For the final exam, there are four parts. 1. You need to pick a paper from the r


For the final exam, there are four parts.
1. You need to pick a paper from the readings on in Module 2 or 3, and to summarize the main argument in one to two sharp paragraphs. In particular, you should identify the main thesis and the best points offered in support of it. (about 500-1000 words)
2. Then, you should explain whether and why or to what extent you agree with the main thesis of the paper. (250-500 words)
3. Then, you should set out what you consider to be the toughest objection to your own view in (2). If you agree with the paper you’re summarizing, then this would just be the toughest objection you can imagine to that thesis. If you do not agree with the paper, then this would be, in effect, the best reply on behalf of the paper: the toughest objection to your objection would be their defense. (500-1000 words)
4. Finally, take one last step back and ask what would be the best reply to your (3), and where this leaves you. What further information might help, or even be necessary for, further investigation. (500-1000 words)
Please notice that, contrary to the date on the syllabus, the final exam is due on Sunday, August 4, by the end of the day. As ever, you must cite any ‘other’ sources that you consult – but notice that the assignment does not require you to do any further research at all – you do not need to consult other sources. A close reading of any of our papers (I choose them very carefully) will be an excellent task just in itself. And the task is to get in closer touch with your own views, not to report the views of others. At risk of sounding ridiculous: look inward, not out.
*If you have any questions or just want a sounding board that won’t sound bored, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’d be very happy to be meet with any of you on zoom. It works well if you send me three times that could work for you, and then I’ll send you an invite for one of them. Vanity be hanged, those meeting are sometimes helpful. View Rubric
final exam rubric (230, Sp 24)
final exam rubric (230, Sp 24)
Organization & Clarity25 to >23 pts
• It is very easy to follow the structure of the exam. • Key concepts, theories and terms are accurately and lucidly explained. • The exam is well formatted, follows consistent style choices, is spell-checked and of the proper length.23 to >19 pts
• It is generally easy to follow the structure of the exam. • Key concepts, theories and terms are explained. • Hardly any formatting errors, inconsistencies or misspellings occur; the paper is of the proper length.19 to >13 pts
needs improvement
• It is difficult to follow the structure of the exam. • Some key concepts, theories or terms are not adequately explained. • A few formatting errors inconsistencies, or misspellings occur; the paper is, or is close to, the proper length.13 to >0 pts
• It is practically impossible to follow the structure. • Most key concepts, theories or terms are not adequately explained. • Frequent formatting errors, inconsistencies or misspellings make reading difficult, or the exam is too short or too long to properly accomplish the objective./ 25 pts
25 to >23 pts
There are clear statements of the main thesis of the paper and of its significance.23 to >19 pts
The thesis and significance are obvious, but a clear statement of it and/or its significance is missing.19 to >13 pts
needs improvement
The thesis is present, but either it must be reconstructed from the text, or its significance is difficult to discern.13 to >0 pts
There is no thesis stated, or its significance is not evident./ 25 pts
argument sum and analysis
25 to >23 pts
The exam provides a clear, precise, insightful summary of the argument of the main paper under investigation.23 to >20 pts
The exam provides a summary of the argument of the main paper under investigation, but it is less than clear, precise or insightful.20 to >13 pts
needs improvement
The exam provides a summary of the argument of the main paper under investigation, but it is substantially mistaken in its identification of either the thesis or the argument for it.13 to >0 pts
The exam does not provide a summary of any argument./ 25 pts
objection consideration
25 to >23 pts
The exam considers a tough objection and provides a thoughtful reply.23 to >20 pts
The exam considers an objection and provides a reply. But either the objection is on the softer side or the reply is less than on target.20 to >13 pts
needs improvement
The exam considers an objection and provides a reply. But both depart substantially from the topic at hand.13 to >0 pts
/ 25 pts
Total Points: 0


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