: (7–10 pages) Section I: Introduction (3 pages) Brief descriptio


 : (7–10 pages)
Section I: Introduction (3 pages)
Brief description of your identified disease
Summary of other studies that directly relate to your identified disease outcome (Note: This is essentially the Literature Review you submitted in Week 6. There is no need to include the Annotated Bibliography as well since it was developed into your Literature Review.)
Statement of the Problem/Research question
Written statements for both your null and alternative/research hypothesis
Brief description of the significance of why this disease is important for examination
Section II: Methodology (1 page)
Brief description of the study sample
Description of the data gathering methods for your variables of interest
Explanation of the types of statistical analyses you conducted and why
Section III: Results (2–4 pages)
Narrative description
Tables and graphs (Be careful—too many tables and graphs decreases clarity)
Description of the steps you took to conduct your statistical analyses
Summary of your statistical findings
Section IV: Conclusions and Discussion (1–2 pages)
Explanation of your major results (Be sure to answer your research question.)
If appropriate, report on statistical significance (or not) of your results; including any relationship between your variables of interest.
Interpret the results of your analysis and explain how it will benefit public health research, policy, or practice.
Social change implications of your results for the population that was sampled from.
Suggestions for future research.
SPSS Codebook
Syntax Code (step-by-step instructions of how to run the different analyses)
Include 4–6 peer-reviewed resources
i want something in line of mental health.
and I need this first
 1- Briefly describe your topic including your research question, independent variables, outcome and statistical plan.
2- Interpret the results of your analysis
3- Discuss aspects of social change including impact on public health research, policy and practice. Please be specific.


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