The scenario presented in the video is one I am sure we have all experienced in


The scenario presented in the video is one I am sure we have all experienced in our school career. The teacher lecturing in a boring tone leads the students to partake in distracting behaviors like talking, listening to music, sleeping, and generally just not paying attention. The students are being disrespectful to the teacher, but also their distracting behaviors, talking back in a rude and condescending way, and showing up late. Effective classroom management is essential in promoting a positive learning environment. The strategy to create a positive learning environment is to adopt standard practices that students can apply and use daily (Billings & Halstead, 2016). These expectations should be addressed before the class even begins in a syllabus, code of conduct, or other such material that students and faculty may revisit anytime. Expectations can include things like no headphones, no cell phone use in the classroom, no sleeping, etc. Infractions should be addressed privately and documented so as to show a trend if disciplinary actions is needed to be taken. When a student is acting out, calling them out in front of the class only worsens the situation. It puts the student in fight or flight mode almost and this student chose to talk back drawing even more attention to themselves. Setting a boundary about tardiness like “If you should arrive to my class late, you come in quietly and take your seat” or even “you wait outside until invited in during a break” would be effective in dealing with minimizing distractions from tardy individuals. Billings, D., & Halstead, J. (2016). Teaching in nursing: a guide for faculty (5th edition).


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