Parent Education Assignment Requirements: You are requested to complete four (4)


Parent Education
Assignment Requirements:
You are requested to complete four (4) unique community observations of programs, events, or services related to parent education or parenting issues in general. At least one (1) of the four (4) required observations must address a diversity tension (e.g., poverty, rural, ethnicity …). At least one (1) or more of the observations needs to be an interview with a family member, community member, or professional about parent education issues. You can do all four (4) observations as interviews, but the parent education topics must be different or unique. The four (4) observations (or interviews) can be a website review, technology access, or a review. The goal of the observation assignment is to provide you with an opportunity for field research as you continue to examine issues related to parenting. The field observations will provide you with additional insight. You will need to observe four (4) separate programs, events, service activities, or interviews related to parenting. Possible programs to review –
Children’s Camp
Parks and Recreation programming
Children’s Summer Lunch program
Children’s Museum
Vocational Bible Study for children
Association of parents
Support group for parents
Head Start
Childcare center
Children’s Hospital, medical or dental clinic
Boys and Girls Club
4-H Activities
Scouting events
Each observation paper must include the following information:
Section 1 – Introduction; information about the program or event including:
Type of observation (must include the items
below including the numbering): 1. Name the program, event, or service
2. Location of the program, event, or service
3. Type of program, event, or service
4. Name of facilitator, presenter, director, or other designee
5. The intended attendees or audience; the target population
6. Date and time of observation of program or event; amount of time you observed Section 2 – Summary of the program or event and observational comments (e.g., tell what happened, what was the focus; tell your reaction or observation). Your summary needs to address the following:
Delivery of information; goal(s) of the program, event or service
Level of participation; lecture only, group activity; questions and answer session
Supplemental information provided; handouts distributed, website or book referenced
Follow up offered for additional programs, events, or services
Section 3 – Connection to the parent education course (e.g., describe how the program, event, or service is connected to the course)
Assignment Expectations:
Each of the four (4) papers should be 1-2 pages in length excluding the cover sheet and reference page(s). Sections of the paper include an introduction, summary of program or event, and connection of program or event to this course. The paper must have three or more separate paragraphs.
American Psychological Association (APA) format is required. Cover sheet and reference pages must be separate from the body of the paper. You may review Purdue’s OWL center for details:
Points will be deducted for failure to include the three (3) sections, grammatical errors, and/or problematic organization, structure of the paper.


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