Select your Article:   Look for a current business article from a reputable sour


Select your Article:  
Look for a current business article from a reputable source.  The article that you use for this assignment must:
Link to one of the topics in the current unit’s chapters in the course (Chapters 13-14)
Be current (published within the last 12 months).
Be published in a *reputable source for business news.* Reputable sources have editors or production teams that fact-check the author’s work.  They also commit to revising and/or retracting information that is inaccurate as soon as they are made aware of errors, new, or more accurate information.  Please do not select from blogs, Facebook articles, or from opinion-based sources (op-eds).  Your grade will come from your ability to select a reputable source.
Part I:  Selecting and Analyzing your Article’s Value
After you find your article, provide these details and explanations: 
Title of Article:
Source of Article:  List and explain how the source is fact-checked. Details are required.   Read and use information from the publication’s “About” the company page.  NOTE:  the UHD library gives you access to business sections/sources such as the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and the Houston Chronicle, etc.
Date of Article (must be current, not more than 12 months old).  
Author(s):   List and explain their authority, credentials, and/or expert knowledge.  Details about these authors are required (look in the article and their bios from the business publication source you are using).
Part 2:  Summarizing your Article’s Information
Write a well cited summary of your article.  Be sure also to cite (in-text paragraphs) and reference (the full APA required details at the end) your article too.  You must use the APA format (like all sciences).  I also want you to be ethical in this course by providing the correct credit (i.e., do not plagiarize).  This source on how to cite webpages for resources such as articles can help: to an external site. 
Focus:  Summarize the information in the article without referring to the article.   For example, introduce the subtopic from the article. Then, provide cited support from the article and finally analyze/explain what that information meant/said in your own words.  Do this without saying things like, “the article.”  Do this throughout your article.   For example, if your article is about communication (then introduce their information about communication.  Then, explain the main areas of valuable information from that article.  What did the authors teach or explain about communication?  Give a few details (as cited support), but focus mostly on summarizing each main topic they discuss in your article.  
A summary should be directed toward imagined readers who have not read the article being summarized. The purpose of the summary is to give these people (me in this case) a clear overview of the article’s main points of information.  You must summarize each and all the essential sub-topics (also called the key information) from the article.  Explain the who, what, where, when, and why in a narrative and correct paragraph format (use multiple paragraphs in your summary).  Again, the main points of the article should be evident and understood by anyone who has not read the same article.     
NOTE:  This library resource from another university library could help when summarizing your article!
Part 3: Connect Your Article’s Information to the New Information You have Learned in the Course
For this part of your Article’s Study, you need to focus on incorporating the information from your article with the information in your textbook readings.  Introduce this section by clearly stating how your article connects to the information in your textbook reading for the unit?  Here is the format for this section:  
1.  First, introduce (Explain how the article and the topic in our unit go together in very general terms).  
2.  Do not just say, this article connects to the chapter on communication.  That will not earn points.  You need to explain the topic you are making a connection to in the unit.  SUPPORT your discussion of the textbook information with paraphrases (and up to 1 direct quote) from the textbook authors.  ALL support that you use (probably 1-2 examples) must have an (author, year) citation.  Direct quotes need a page number too (author, year, p. ) citation.  Do not try to show your creativity with your citations.  Citations are designed to be very structured, and they all follow the same rules.  APA is rigid, but that is exactly why we use it for in the sciences.  Any APA question that you have should have an answer at this site: to an external site.  
3.  Discuss how the article applies information from the topic in our text (the article may support/apply information similarly or differently from our readings).  You can use work that refutes information in our book.  This is one of the many, many reasons why your support must be strong and reliable (well cited and explained).  New research is done all of the time. However, most of the information you find will stem from the principles you are learning.  This is the paragraph where you need to provide support (1-2 paraphrases or quotes) from your article to support your views/points made. 
Part 4:  Personal Reflections and Takeaways 
This part of the assignment should be the easiest!  You have all the answers, so there is not a right or wrong answer.  You just need to explain your answers.   You do not need to cite in this area because the answers are your own reflections.  The main goal is to reflect on why you selected the article you selected, how it was meaningful for you to read and use for this assignment.  State what you learned and remember and what are your opinions about the article’s information.  In a last paragraph or a couple of paragraphs, answer these prompts:  
1. Why did you pick the article that you selected?  I am not looking for anything but your answer.  There is no judgment to make here, I just want to hear from you. 
2.  How was this information meaningful, important, or spoke to you personally?  
3.  What are some of your opinions about the information in the article that you selected/read?   This is where you can say if you agreed with the information or disagreed with the information and why.  Again, there is no judgment to make about your opinions.  
All of the information for this reflection should be in your voice, your opinions, so 1st person is allowed.  I am allowing that for the end of your paper.  
Technical Directions:  You do not need a title page or an abstract, and your paragraphs should be formatted correctly. 


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