Overview The Portfolio page is the highlight of your portfolio website. It is wh


Overview The Portfolio page is the highlight of your portfolio website. It is where you can display a selection of your best graphic design work that will generate interest from your target audience. You will have the opportunity to select and finalize the design artifacts you want to include in your final portfolio in a later course. In this course, you can use the images provided in the Image Bank as placeholders for your design artifacts on the Portfolio page. You can also include your own design artifacts from earlier courses if you prefer. When developing the layout for your Portfolio page, you can choose from a variety of portfolio vehicles, such as a carousel, collage, or image gallery, to display your work. Keep in mind that you may want to add a written description, narrative, or design rationale for each artifact when you finalize your portfolio in a future course. So, you may also want to consider where and how you would present this text on your Portfolio page. Your portfolio site should also provide a way for potential employers and clients to get in touch with you. For example, you should include a Contact page with a form for website visitors to send you a message if they want to reach you. In WordPress (and CampusPress), you can use plug-ins like the Formidable Forms plug-in to add a functional form to your website’s Contact page easily. You can decide which fields you want users to fill out, which ones should be required, and which should be optional. Also, on your Contact page, you can include links to your professional social media profile pages, providing another way for visitors to learn more about you and engage with you. In this activity, you will develop the layouts for the Portfolio page and Contact Information page. You will iterate on these pages to refine them for the project submission in Module Seven. Directions Create the Portfolio page and Contact Information page layouts of your portfolio site in CampusPress. Use the images provided in the image bank in the Supporting Material section below as placeholders for your portfolio pieces. Also, write a short paper to explain your rationale and how you applied web design principles and best practices to these pages to address criteria four and five below. Include the link to your portfolio site in this short paper. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria: Develop the page layout for your Portfolio page. The page must include a way to display a minimum of 10 design artifacts. Select and upload images from the provided Image Bank to the Media Library. Optional: You can incorporate design artifacts from previous courses into this portfolio. Use the Block Editor tool and the CoBlocks plug-in to add appropriate content blocks for the different page components. Select and develop a portfolio vehicle to display this content. For example, you can create a grid, gallery, carousel, and so forth. Based on the portfolio display vehicle you’ve chosen, consider including placeholders for a written narrative or design rationale that will support your final portfolio pieces. Develop the page layout for your Contact Information page. Use the Formidable Forms plug-in to add a form to your Contact Information page. Customize the contact form components using the Formidable Forms plug-in Modify and enable the Form Description in the General Form Settings field of the plug-in. Save the form and add it to your Contact Information page. Use the Block Editor tool or a plug-in to add any additional content blocks for other page components. Add placeholders or any images you have developed that you may want to include. Consider including other ways to contact you, such as icons to connect to your professional social media profiles. You can use placeholder links to social media websites if you want. Explain your reasoning for choosing the format for displaying the images on your Portfolio page. Identify the format or content block types you added to your Portfolio page. Explain how this format helps you showcase your selected portfolio artifacts. Describe any additional components you used to ensure the Portfolio page is engaging. Explain how you applied web design principles and best practices to these pages. Consider the following in your response: Visual hierarchy Page layout and aesthetics Responsiveness What to Submit Submit a 1-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Include the link to your portfolio site within your short paper for submission. Cite your sources according to MLA style.


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