For the purposes of this activity, please pick two countries, outside of the Uni


For the purposes of this activity, please pick two countries, outside of the United States, which you
would like to learn more about. Below is a list of several resources which can be used to assess country
risk as you are working on this activity. Prepare a list of characteristics about each country which you
can share in a small group and potentially with the class, answering the questions below. You will
submit the information which you have assembled individually for a grade on this assignment. You
should include the following for each of the two countries:
1. Name of each country
2. Currency or currencies used by each country
3. Language(s) of each country
4. Exchange rate for the currency/currencies to the U.S. Dollar for each country (Give Date, Time,
& Source of the exchange rates)
5. What is the trend of the exchange rate for each currency compared to the U.S. Dollar over the
past month? How about the past year? How about the past 5 years?
6. Based upon review of three or more sources below, what is your assessment of the Country Risk
for each country?
7. Optional: Cite one or two cultural factors in each of the countries which you think might be
relevant to doing business in the country.
8. Which of the two countries, if applicable, would you see as potentially having more risk in terms
of an investment for a multinational corporation based in the United States? Is there some
variation depending upon which sources you used or the nature of the business? If so, explain.
How would this risk for each country compare to doing business in the United States?
9. What are some methods you could use in order to mitigate country risk and/or factor country
risk qualitatively and quantitatively into your analysis of potential investment?
List of Resources to Assess Country Risk
2023 Corruption Perceptions Index: Explore the… –
Business Ready (B-READY) (
Doing Business Legacy (
Home | Worldwide Governance Indicators (
Credit Rating – Countries – List (
Country Risk Classification (
International Property Rights Index


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