In Units 1 through 6 you were given a scenario, which included a mini lesson


In Units 1 through 6 you were given a scenario, which included a mini lesson and 4 questions at the end. You were asked to complete these scenarios as a part of your coursework. Now, you need to use your responses to these scenarios to compose a reflection paper.
When thinking about the 6 scenarios, write a 1000-word to 1,200-word paper answering the following 4-part prompt.
From your perspective, identify the most important of the 6 scenarios that you have encountered in this course.
State which of the 6 scenarios is the most important in your view.
Elaborate on why you feel that the chosen scenario is the most important.
Here are some questions and statements to get you started in this part of the paper: 
What makes this scenario the most important in your view?
What did you learned in the scenario you selected vs what you learned in others? 
Define important concepts you applied while answering the scenario questions.
Provide several statements that support your choice.
How did answering the scenario questions helped you realize that this scenario was important?
Give two examples that can help validate the reasons you provide for the importance.
Here are some questions and statements to get you started in this part of the paper:
When answering the scenario questions, you were asked to produce answers and make calculations. How can you use these answers and calculations to demonstrate via examples why the scenario you have chosen is important in your view? 
Why are the metrics, data and information you used (or calculated) when answering the scenario questions important?
How do these metrics help you see this scenario as important?   
Illustrate the most important concept or idea you have learned by completing this scenario by using it in an analogy or metaphor.
Here are some questions and statements to get you started in this part of the paper:
An analogy is a comparison made between two things that helps explain or clarify an abstract idea, concept, or process by showing similarities with a more familiar object or situation. Using analogies when describing complex topics can be an effective explanation tool because they act as a cognitive bridge between new concepts that people may find challenging or difficult to grasp onto, and ideas from their existing knowledge that they already understand concretely. 
What is a simple, everyday example that shares similarities with the economic principle you are discussing?
If you had to describe the cause-and-effect relationships in this economic concept to someone without an econ background, what metaphor could you use that might capture the essence more clearly?
What natural flow, or social dynamic reminds you of this economic model? Thinking of a fitting physical or social phenomenon that exhibits a parallel progression to the abstract economic framework can serve as an illuminative comparison for analysis. Does it behave like an assembly line? Migration pattern? A beehive? Law of gravity? The waves in the ocean?
Your response must include:
Clear definitions of important concepts encountered in scenario selected.
Explanations of how these concepts or ideas make this scenario important in your view.
Examples that support your explanations.
Calculations, metrics, data, and facts from the scenario supporting your reasons.
An analogy, metaphor or comparison of economic concepts encountered in scenario selected.
I have uploaded two of the previous scenarios for you to use while writing the reflection paper 


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