Overview For this week′s assignment, you′ll practice what you′ve learned over th


For this week′s assignment, you′ll practice what you′ve learned over the past three weeks. You′ll also begin working toward the Archival Data Project assignment in Week 9.
Before you begin the assignment, complete the following:
Choose your variables in the Week 3 Prepare: For This Week′s Assignment activity.
Download the data from the Week 3 Prepare: For This Week′s Assignment activity.
Download the Getting Started With Your Data [DOCX] worksheet.
Ensure JASP is installed and set up (see the Week 1 Prepare: Statistical Software Download and Installation activity).
Find one job opening for a job you could apply for with a bachelor’s degree that requires the use of statistics—some good, key search terms: psychology research assistance or survey data analysis.
Complete and submit the Getting Started With Your Data [DOCX] worksheet.
Tips for success:
Keep JASP, your textbook, and Statistical Analysis in JASP: A Guide for StudentsLinks to an external site. open when working on your worksheet.
Read, don′t skim, each part of the worksheet. The text will often help you find the answer.
Do each step one at a time. Running statistical tests requires paying attention to details. One wrong setting in JASP can result in getting poor or wrong results. It′s not difficult if you go step by step. It just needs a bit of patience and to go a little slower than normal.
Do the entire worksheet (it′s long).
When you are done, scroll to the very end of the document. Then scroll up slowly to double-check that you have an answer in each box. Going in reverse (from the end to the beginning) is often the best way to spot something you overlooked earlier.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
Competency 2: Apply statistical analyses to problems in the social sciences.
Describe key statistical concepts.
Determine data type.
Explain the use of a mean with different types of variables.
Competency 4: Plan career contingencies based on accurate self assessment of abilities, achievement, motivation, and work habits as they relate to statistics.
Discover career contingencies based on accurate self-assessment of abilities, achievement, motivation, and work habits.
Competency 6: Communicate quantitative data in statistics, graphs, tables, and in common language.
Communicate statistical data in graphs and tables.


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