This reflection will be a reflection of all 9 modules. Module: Week of Topic Rea


This reflection will be a reflection of all 9 modules.
Module: Week of
Module 1: May 28
Legal Theories
The Study and Scope of Justice Administration
Organization and Administration: Principles and Practices
Rights of Criminal Justice Employees
Legal Theory PPT
Justice Breyer’s theory
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Why Study Justice Administration?
The Foundations of Justice and Administration
Planned Change and Policymaking in Justice Administration
Defining Organizations
The Evolution of Organizational Theory
Organizational Structure
The Employment Relationship
Constitutional Rights
Introductory Post/Theories: Introduce yourself and tell us which legal theory is dominate in the United States and why. Remember to cite outside scholarly sources and respond to your classmates.
Discussion Post 1: If the system of justice in the United States is truly a non system, as suggested in Chapter One, what measures could be taken to improve the inefficiencies that are often cited as the basis of the problem?
Module 2: June 3
Police Operation and Organization
Police Personnel Roles and Functions
Police Issues and Practices
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Article 1: The Impact of Distributive and Procedural Justice
on Social Service Workers
Police Agencies as Organizations
Organizational Guidelines
The S.A.R.A. Process
“Good” to “Great”
Roles of the Police Executive
Chiefs of Police
The Sheriff
Police Shootings
Managing the Use of Force
Civilian Review Boards
Officer Wellness and Safety
Article Review 1: Justice perceptions
Discussion Post 2; Out of the four distinct types of police supervisors described in Robin S. Engel’s study of police supervisors, which type is the most effective type for the new policing era of homeland security? Explain why.
Module 3: June 10
Court Organization and Operation
Court Personnel Roles and Functions
Court Issues and Practices
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Article 2: Does Protest Against Police
Violence Matter? Evidence from
U.S. Cities, 1990 through 2019
Real CSI
Defining Judicial Administration
The Jurists
Judges as Court Managers
Jury Administration
Is There a “CSI Effect”?
Courthouse Violence
Problem-Solving Courts
Decreasing Litigation
Other Issues and Practices
Article Review 2: Protest
Discussion Post 3: Are unified courts in the U.S. more capable of greater efficiency than those systems not unified? Explain your answer.
Module 4: June 17
Corrections Organizations and Operation
Corrections Personnel Roles and Function
Corrections Issues and Practice
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Role Strain and Role Conflict
Correctional Organizations
Prisons/Supermax Prisons
Inmate DNA
Probation and Parole Agencies
Jail Personnel
Probation and Parole Officers
Addressing Stress
Issues Concerning Inmates
Alternatives to Incarceration
Discussion Post 4: Do the conditions of a supermax prison constitute cruel and unusual punishment as defined in the U.S. Constitution’s 8th Amendment provisions? Why or why not? How could confinement of this type be made more effective without violating the 8th Amendment? Explain your answers.
Module 5: June 24
Ethical Considerations
Article3: The Impact of Occupational
Stressors on Correctional Staff
Organizational Commitment
Chapter 13
Ethics vs. Law
Ethics, Generally
Ethics in Policing
Ethics in the Courts
Ethics in Corrections
Ethics Tests for Justice Professionals
Article Review 3: Stress
Discussion Post 5: Instructions: Please read the following story. After reading the story, rank the five characters in the story in the space provided below it, beginning with the one you consider as most offensive, and ending with the one you consider as least objectionable. Also, note your reasons as to why you ranked them in that order. Use the rubric as a guide. Identify ethical theories, legal theories or cases, social policy impacts, and how it relates to social justice. There lived a woman named Penny who was in love with a man named Leonard. Leonard lived on the shore of a river. Penny lived on the opposite shore of the same river. The river that separated the two lovers was teeming with dangerous alligators. Penny wanted to cross the river to be with Leonard. Unfortunately, the bridge had been washed out by a heavy flood the previous week. So she went to ask Sheldon, a riverboat captain, to take her across. He said he would be glad to if she would consent to go to bed with him prior to the voyage. She promptly refused and went to a friend named Raj to explain her plight. Raj did not want to get involved at all in the situation. Penny felt her only alternative was to accept Sheldon’s terms. Sheldon fulfilled his promise to Penny and delivered her into the arms of Leonard.
When Penny told Leonard about her amorous escapade in order to cross the river, Leonard cast her aside with disdain. Heartsick and rejected, Penny turned to Howard with her tale of woe. Howard, feeling compassion for Penny, sought out Leonard and beat him brutally. Penny was overjoyed at the sight of Leonard getting his due. As the sun set on the horizon, people heard Penny laughing at Leonard.
Module 6: July 1
Special Challenges: Labor Relations, Liability, and
Contract Law
Labor Law
Tort Law
Chapter 14
Contract Law Ideology
Labor Law
Tort Law
Labor Relations in Criminal Justice
Civil Liability
Discussion Post 6: Police unions are very controversial. Do police truly need unions or should they have “professional organizations” like lawyers and doctors? Discuss the role of qualified immunity.
Module 7: July 8
Financial Administration
Chapter 15
Enhancing Budgets
Courts’ Budgets
Reinvest Prison Expenditures
Discussion Post 7: Defund the police has been suggested as a way to deal with police misconduct. What does the term “defund the police” really mean and do you think defunded would help with the problem?
Module 8: July 15
Protecting the Homeland: Foremost Challenges for Police Chief Executives
Chapter 16
An International Problem
Two Faces of U.S. Terrorism
The Ultimate Threat
Law Enforcement Roles and Strategies
Role of Local Police
Discussion Post 8: The State of Texas moved to have their law enforcement deal with undocumented aliens. Do you think that this matter should be dealt with by the states of the federal government? Remember to apply constitutional standards to the situation.
Module 9: July 22
Technologies and Tools: Toward Addressing Crime and Disorder
Police Technologies
Court Technologies
Corrections Technologies
Final Exam
50 pts
Covered topics in all 9 modules40 pts
Covered 8 of the modules30 pts
Covered 6-7 of the modules20 pts
Just up to 3 of the modules10 pts
Needs work
Covered less than 2/ 50 pts
50 pts
Clear application of the materials to your personal and professional life40 pts
Clear application of materials to your personal or professional life30 pts
Attempted application20 pts
A lame attempt10 pts
Needs work
No application/ 50 pts
References and Cites
50 pts
Textbook and outside scholarly cites for each module. Reference section in APA format.40 pts
Textbook cites for each module. Reference section in APA format.30 pts
Textbook cites but Reference in Non-APA format20 pts
Just popular articles etc.0 pts
Needs work
No cites or references/ 50 pts


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