*****PART 1***** – Analyze the degree to which social media affects social contr


*****PART 1***** – Analyze the degree to which social media affects social control in the current event your Instructor has chosen or in the example you contributed. – Is it practical and/or ethical to attempt to mitigate the effect of social media or media on social control? How could your response change the current event or the example you contributed? ****PART 2***** – Submit a 500- to 750-word paper in which you address the following: – Describe social control theory and include the following as part of your description: – 2 or 3 examples of social control – 2 or 3 systems of social control – 2 or 3 agents of social control – Choose two pairs of social control and compare the forms of social control within each pair: – Direct vs. indirect – Positive vs. negative – Conscious vs. unconscious – Formal vs. informal – Real vs. artificial


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