Part 1: (1 paragraph) After assessing yourself for Emotional Intelligence (see a


Part 1: (1 paragraph)
After assessing yourself for Emotional Intelligence (see article attached as Part 1), which branch do you think you need to improve the most? Which branch are you most competent? For the area you feel you need improvement do you think you will be able to implement any of the suggestions for moving forward the authors offer? How can you use some of these suggestions to work with your staff on improving their emotional intelligence?
Part 2: (1 paragraph)
Empathetic Listening
Think about how you use empathy in your every day life. How do you react to other people when they “vent” to you or share particularly emotional events or experiences?
It is quite likely that you already practice empathetic listening (or active listening). This week your task is to pay particular attention to your role in active listening. Review the five steps of active listening detailed out in Mind Tools:, and watch this video on active listening:, then, purposefully practice using active listening with someone.
At the end of the week (by Saturday), describe your experience with empathetic/active listening. Did it feel natural or uncomfortable? Did you get a different reaction from the speaker than you expected?
Part 3: (1 paragraph)
After reading the modules and associated readings and videos on implicit bias and cultural competence consider and respond to the following questions (all reading with links to videos are attached as readings):
1. Where are you in the process of becoming a culturally competent leader? What qualities of culturally competent leadership can you say are true of you most of the time?
2. How have you seen your implicit biases impact your professional or personal life? What work have you done to confront these biases? If you have not reflected on your implicit bias, what steps do you need to do to explore this part of yourself?
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