Part A: Energy Change of an Organic Reaction using combustion reactions Use eith


Part A: Energy Change of an Organic Reaction
using combustion reactions
Use either enthalpies of formation or bond dissociation energies to determine the enthalpy change of this reaction. Is the organic reaction endothermic or exothermic?
How much reactant is needed to change the temperature of 150 g of water in a calorimeter by 5.0 oC?
Draw a potential energy diagram to show the the energy change in this reaction. (You can assume that this reaction happens in two steps!) How can you tell which step is the rate-determining step?
The collision theory helps us to understand how a reaction happens. Describe a way to slow down the rate of this reaction in half.
Does the way to slow down the reaction you chose change the potential energy diagram? Why or why not?
Part B: Case Study/Research Task
Do some research to identify one way that the thermodynamics of a combustion reaction is being used to solve an environmental issue. Searching for “green chemistry” or “environmental issues related to chemistry” might help you find ideas.
Summarize your solution (What is the challenge? How does this solution help solve the issue?)
Identify as many of the following as you can:
The enthalpy change of the reaction,
How collision theory explains the rate of reaction, and.
Any other connections to unit content that you can see.
Consider the Catholic Social Teaching Principle, Stewardship of Creation. Provide next steps that everyday people can take that connect to this challenge/solution. How can “Humanity… work together in building our common home.” (Pope Francis, 2015)
Present your findings using a format of your choice (slideshow, podcast, video, written paper, concept map, etc.).
Cite any resources you used in your research following APA formatting guidelines (refer back to Learning Activity 1.8 for support with APA referencing).
Comments from Customer
we weren’t given a limit on a report. so maybe 1-2 pages


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