The communication strategy I’m examining for the oral presentation is ACTIVE LIS


The communication strategy I’m examining for the oral presentation is ACTIVE LISTENING.
Active listening is a skill that is very important and it is a skill that must be learned. We don’t realize that when we think that we are listening to someone how our bodies can tell a different story. It more than just hearing what someone is saying. We must be able to process and understand the speaker is trying to get across.
Some of the skills of active listening are:
being attentive
Asking open-ended questions
Asking probing question
Request clarification if needed
These are just a few things that is needed to be an effective and active listening. Annotated Bibliography
Prepare an Annotated Bibliography for one (1) peer-reviewed journal article retrieved from UMass Global Virtual Library that addresses your approved communication strategy project. The Annotated Bibliography must include a reference in APA format, and a 250 – 300 word summary of the article highlighting the author’s purpose, conclusion(s) and key points.


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