Please use only the sources. provided no outside sources should be 400 words MLA


Please use only the sources. provided no outside sources should be 400 words MLA. style Answer ONLY ONE of the following questions:
Chicanos in Vietnam – Chicanos played a large role in the Vietnam War. Chicanos were the largest minority group to fight in Vietnam. Utilizing the videos and the readings provided, focus on the individuals who participated. Why did they participate? What roles did they have? Where did the war take them? Did they see battle? What was the war like for Chicanos both at home and abroad? What happened to Chicanos during the Vietnam Era? What happened to Chicanos after the war ended and they returned to the States? What did Chicanos achieve or gain or even loose from the Vietnam War? What were some of their accomplishments if any? **Please remember to include the names of the soldiers you are discussing.
The following question is based on the Chicano! video “Taking Back The Schools”:
2. The Chicano Movement: Students and Community – Describe what the Chicano Student Movement was all about? What were its goals? Why did it take off in the first place? Who were these students and what were they demanding and/or seeking? Did the students achieve any of their goals? Explain and give examples. In addition, analyze the Chicano Movement in the larger community. How was the larger community affected by the Movement?Ido not have. the book ,but it. should be use if you can get. it. REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS:
1) James Diego Vigil, From Indians to Chicanos: The Dynamics of Mexican-American Culture (any edition is fine)
2) Rodolfo F. Acuna, Occupied America: A History of Chicanos


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