Please take a look at attached file and follow all instructions thoroughly!!! Te


Please take a look at attached file and follow all instructions thoroughly!!!
Term Project Description and Deadlines:
Opportunity to contribute to Energy, Mineral Resources and the Environment Research
As part of this course, you need to submit a 4-page paper (2000 words) on an approved topic related to the content of the course. YOU CANNOT PASS THE COURSE WITHOUT SUBMITTING A PAPER. You can use the text book as inspiration for a topic. Since this is a 300-level course, I want to see clear focus and depth. A proposal to write a paper on “energy” will be rejected, while a paper on “The Potential of Offshore Wind Energy off the coast of Long Island” will be approved. Please see more ideas below:
Climate change is the biggest contemporary existential challenge. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the accumulation of GHGs in the Earth’s atmosphere are directly correlated to increasing average temperatures. The Earth is warmer today than at any other time in the past millennium. To limit the rise in global average temperatures to well below 2oC, and preferably to 1.5oC above pre-industrial levels by the end of this century, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recommends a 43% reduction in GHG emissions from 2019 levels by 2030. At the present rate, the world is likely to reach the 1.5oC threshold by 2040.
The Climate TRACE initiative has used artificial intelligence algorithms to combine data from over 300 satellites and 11,000 sensors to map specific sources of GHG pollution across countries and multiple sectors of the global economy. The data show oil and gas production to be the biggest emitter. Over the next 20 years there would be 80.7 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent emissions globally, of which fossil fuels operations (24.2%), power (18.5%), agriculture (17%) and manufacturing (12.5%), would be the biggest sectoral emitters.
Global warming is not just higher temperatures, but also erratic weather patterns, droughts, floods and rising sea levels that will adversely impact life on Earth. In 2022 and 2023 extreme weather events brought widespread destruction, claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, and displaced millions of people worldwide. South Asia was the epicentre of heatwaves, erratic rains caused widespread flooding across Pakistan, northeast India and Bangladesh, and China faced its worst drought in over 60 years. Europe, experienced the hottest month of May ever, and nearly half of the continent faced its worst drought in over 500 years. In July 2023, the average world temperature reached the highest ever recorded.
Climate Change affects the health of humans and animals as well as food systems (see below). The effects however are not unidirectional. While each is a significant challenge, their interdependence poses problems for policy development as well.
The United States National Intelligence Estimate on Climate Change, warns that reduced food security and the emergence of new diseases will lead to large-scale migration, climate refugees, political instability, and increased global security risks. There would be increasing geopolitical tensions on ways to reduce GHG emissions, cross-border flashpoints, and potential for instability and internal conflicts in developing countries that did little to create the problem, but will feel the biggest impact of climate change. Some of that is already evident at the recently concluded COP28 meeting in UAE.
Fun fact: Peter Gene Hernandez (born October 8, 1985), known professionally as Bruno Mars, is an American singer-songwriter. Source:Wikipedia
Research by Carbon Plan has modelled the risk that dangerous heat poses to countries and cities around the world. This is summarized below for the year 2000 with projections for 2050. By 2050, Phoenix (USA), Delhi (India) and Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) are projected to have 102, 153 and 246 days, respectively of highly dangerous heat in the sun.
My collaborator Professor Shahid Jameel’s work at University of Oxford, focusses on understanding sustainable ways for societies to adapt to climate change and to reduce our footprint on global warming (mitigation).
How can you contribute?
We offer students the opportunity to contribute to this work. Focus on one of the given below topics related to climate change and related problem and propose solutions that could help in adaptation to
global warming or its mitigation. For example, you could consider any of the following.
Energy transition from fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) to renewable energy (solar, wind, others). Pick one country for your research. Highlight challenges, opportunities and solutions.
Impact of climate change on human health. There are multiple dimensions to this, such as the direct effects of heat, new disease outbreaks, antimicrobial resistance, increasing anxiety and mental health problems, etc. Pick one problem.
Impact of fossil fuel (traditional energy resources) like the coal and oil and linkages to climate change – choose an area or region of a country. Focus of research should be deep rather than broad
Emerging alternate technologies application and policy implications in a region like offshore wind energy off of Long Island
Nuclear fusion energy development in Europe and its impact on energy dynamics – choose an area or region of a country. Focus of research should be deep rather than broad
Exploitation and depletion of mineral resources e.g., Lithium or a similar mineral in China or another country and environmental impacts.
Or any other topic related to this course that is narrowly focussed.
Please do not resubmit a paper that you have already submitted for another course.
After conducting a preliminary search of available peer reviewed papers from journals and articles, choose any one topic from the above topics (Search library databases) and post your choice in the Discussion Board on Brightspace. Upload your topic of choice with a short (two paragraphs) proposal / justification based on data, as to why you are choosing this particular topic by deadline.
Fun fact: Bruno Mars is known for his stage performances, retro showmanship, and for performing in a wide range of musical styles, including pop, R&B, funk, soul, reggae, disco, and rock. Source: Wikipedia
How will you benefit?
Besides getting the grades for this course, the researchers will choose the best term papers and develop these into policy papers and articles for publication. The students whose term papers are chosen will receive credit by way of authorship.
Submission and Deadline of written paper:
July 18 (Thu), 11:59 pm –Post choice of topic in the Discussion Board on Brightspace. Upload two paragraph proposal with the topic.
Aug 1 (Thu), 11:59 pm – Upload outline and citations for paper to Brightspace
Aug 17 (Sat), 11:59 pm –Upload final term project paper to Brightspace
Late, emailed and hard copies of this assignment will not be accepted under any circumstances and will directly go to the trash bin. You will not get any credit in that case.
We will notify you if it is not approved.
Fun fact: Bruno Mars was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. Source: Wikipedia
Written Term Paper:
You must seek approval for the topic before embarking on writing the paper. Post your c


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