Objective: Apply the ethical analysis discussion guide tool Actions provided to


Objective: Apply the ethical analysis discussion guide tool
Actions provided to a real or hypothetical scenario, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of ethical considerations in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Create a 5-to-10 minute recorded presentation to showcase your ability to effectively analyze and address ethical dilemmas in behavior analytic practice. You may use any program you would like to create this presentation, as long as you are able to upload the video file as required in Canvas. Include copies of any presentation files with your submission (powerpoints, pdfs, etc.)Instructions:
Selecting a Scenario (10 points):Choose a real-life scenario from your professional experience or create a hypothetical scenario that reflects an ethical challenge in ABA.
Provide a brief overview of the scenario, including relevant details such as the setting, individuals involved, and the nature of the ethical dilemma.
Utilizing the Ethical Analysis Tool (40 points):Clearly identify and articulate the specific ethical code items involved in the scenario.
Apply each step of the provided ethical analysis tool systematically and thoroughly:Identify the objective facts related to the situation
Determine if additional information is required to make an informed decision
Identify the specific parties involved and their roles/power in the situation, and their desired outcomes
Outline cultural considerations pertinent to the scenario, if any
Potential Courses of Action (20 points):Explore and present at least three alternative courses of action that could have been taken in the scenario.
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative, considering the potential impact on the well-being of the client and other relevant stakeholders.
Final Action Plan (20 points):Determine which action you would select.
Identify any additional information, training, supervision, or experience required to follow through on your selected course of action.
Provide a final reflection on your ethical scenario evaluation and the ethical decision-making process.
Presentation Style and Clarity (20 points):Ensure the presentation is clear, organized, and engaging. Speak clearly, maintaining a professional and respectful tone.
Use visual aids or slides, if desired, to enhance the clarity and presentation of key points.
Includes PDF of slides in the submission, along with the recording.
ComponentsExcellent (100% of points)Good (50% of points)Needs Improvement (0% of points)
Selecting a Scenario
(10 points)Chooses a compelling and relevant scenario, providing a clear and concise overview.Selects an adequate scenario with some clarity or relevance. Overview may lack detail or clarity.Weak or unclear choice of scenario, with an inadequate overview.
Utilizing the Ethical Analysis Tool
(40 points)Applies the ethical analysis tool thoroughly, systematically, and demonstrates a profound understanding of ethical principles. Provides all information specified above. Justifications are clear and well-supported by specific ethics code items.Applies the tool with some gaps or less detail. Demonstrates a good understanding of ethical principles. Omits 1 of the analysis areas described above. Justifications are present but may lack depth or specific code items.Incomplete or insufficient application of the tool. Lacks depth and understanding of key ethical principles. Omits 2 or more of the areas described above. Justifications are weak or absent, and missing supporting ethics code items.
Courses of Action
(20 points)Presents at least three viable alternative courses of action, evaluating their advantages and disadvantages effectively.Presents alternative courses of action with some gaps or less effective evaluation. Demonstrates reasonable consideration of advantages and disadvantages.Weak presentation of alternative courses of action, incomplete evaluation, or ineffective consideration of advantages and disadvantages.
Final Action Plan
(20 points)Identifies an acceptable final course of action, and includes any gaps that must be filled prior to implementation. Provides a thoughtful reflection on the process and outcomes.Final course of action may include gaps or potential issues with implementation. Omits potential gaps that need to be filled prior to implementation. Adequate reflection but may lack depth or thoroughness. Final course of action would be considered unacceptable. Weak or unclear reflection, insufficient depth, or ineffective discussion of potential evolution.
Presentation Style and Clarity
(20 points)Delivers a clear, organized, and engaging presentation. Maintains a professional and respectful tone. Visual aids, if used, enhance clarity. Less than 3 typos, grammatical errors, or formatting issues.Delivers a presentation with some clarity and organization. Tone is generally professional. Visual aids, if used, contribute to clarity. Less than 10 typos, grammatical errors, or formatting issues.Weak or unclear presentation, lacks organization, or ineffective use of visual aids. Tone may be unprofessional. 10 or more typos, grammatical errors, or formatting issues. Did not turn in the PDF of the assignment.
NOTE: Because of the point values and weight of this assignment, late submissions will incur a 5 point penalty for each day late, with a maximum penalty of 30 points (6 days late). As per the virtual course schedule, no points are available for submissions that are more than 7 days late (without prior arrangement with your professor).
https://www.bacb.com/wp-content/uploads/BACB-Compl… THIS ARE THE ETHICS CODES


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