Instructions We have been learning about motivation over the last 2 weeks. I wou


We have been learning about motivation over the last 2 weeks. I would like you to choose one of the companies from “The Best Places to Work In 2019,” according to Forbes. Why is this company on the list? Do some additional research and find the theories that support how their motivational programs are effective. How much did the company invest in these programs? Has the company performed better since implementing these programs? Your paper should be 3-5 pages in length, including the cover and reference page. You should be sure to write this paper in the third person (do not use “I” statements); this is not a paper that should express your opinion. Please make sure that you use appropriate sources to support your paper.
Paper Format:
A. Title Page – Include a title page formatted using APA style. Include the APA formatted Header.
B. Executive Summary (We use Executive Summaries in business, not Abstracts).
C. Introductory Paragraph – Include an introductory paragraph that includes your thesis sentence.
You should support your thesis with supporting paragraphs and a concluding paragraph, using APA style and section headings. Be sure to include theories, models, terms, concepts, and principles, with examples learned throughout the course.
D. Reference Page – Include all sources on a Reference page formatted in APA style.
Attached to this assignment you will find a sample paper formatted in APA 7th Edition. Please use this as your guide. Five references are required, with a minimum of three coming from the APUS Library. Wikipedia and other wikis are not allowed as sources. Online encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc. may be used but will not count in fulfilling your required number of references. Attachments
APA Sample Paper.pdf(548.56 KB)


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