In this assignment, we will analyze data from two experimental studies. In the f


In this assignment, we will analyze data from two experimental studies. In the first study, we will analyze an experiment with 2 groups in a t-test. In the second study, we will analyze an experiment with 3 groups in a one-way ANOVA. You will then write up an APA style results section. We will be using the data discussed in the SPSS for Research Methods textbook for chapter 4, sections 4.1 & 4.2. Full instructions and data files are included below.
Here is the research scenario (see images used on pages 82 & 89 in the SPSS textbook):
The researchers were interested in intelligence ratings of people in photographs. In Experiment 1, researchers were interested in whether tattoos impacted perception of intelligence of a pictured woman. Participants were randomly assigned to two groups and shown two photographs of women (one at a time): the first group seeing both women without tattoos, and the second group seeing the first woman with a tattoo and the second woman without a tattoo. The IV is tattoo condition because the researchers manipulated it. There are two levels of the tattoo condition: no tattoo versus a tattoo on her arm. Students were instructed to rate each woman’s intelligence on a scale of 1 (not at all intelligent) to 10 (extremely intelligent). This rating is the DV. Participants also indicated whether or not they had a tattoo themselves.
In Experiment 2, researchers were interested in the effects of education level on perceived intelligence when viewing a picture of a woman WITHOUT a tattoo. They predicted that higher education levels would lead to higher ratings of intelligence. Participants viewed a stock image of a woman talking on the phone and were asked to rate her intelligence on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being not at all intelligent and 10 being extremely intelligent). They were randomly assigned to one of three conditions in an independent groups design: Group 1 read that she graduated with a high school degree, group 2 read she graduated with a college degree, and group 3 read she graduated with a master’s degree.
This assignment requires 3 documents to be submitted to Canvas:
A PDF of the SPSS output for the t-test analysis for Experiment 1 described above. Name this file LastName_FirstName_ttestOutput.pdf.
A PDF of the SPSS output for the ANOVA analysis for Experiment 2 described above. Name this file LastName_FirstName_ANOVAoutput.pdf
An APA style results report (submitted in Microsoft Word format, .doc or .docx). Name this file LastName_FirstName_ResultsReport.docx
Most computer labs on campus have SPSS installed, including the computer lab in the psychology building. To access SPSS from off campus, you will need to use the ArgoApps remote desktop software. You can find ArgoApps by logging into myUWF and searching for ArgoApps. Instructions for using ArgoApps can be found in Confluence Links to an external site.. For additional help using ArgoApps, visit the ArgoApps page in Confluence Links to an external site.. You will likely have to use Google Drive in order to access your files via G Drive. You may want to consider installing the Citrix Receiver if you want to access files on your local computer (Citrix Information Links to an external site.).
If you are not completing the assignment on campus, attempt to download and open the SPSS data files no later than Wednesday this week. If you cannot figure out how to access and save files via your Google Drive, then contact ITS ( so they can help you navigate ArgoApps. Do not wait until the last minute to try and figure out how to get access to SPSS and/or save your output files.I will not provide any extensions on the assignment for last minute problems in accessing SPSS.
Download the full instructions here:
Ttest & One-way ANOVA Analysis & Report (PDF)
Pro Tip: Use the provided template for formatting: Ttest & One-way ANOVA Analysis & Report Template (Word Doc)
Download the data files here:
Chapter 4 Data Experiment 1.sav (SPSS File) Download Chapter 4 Data Experiment 1.sav (SPSS File)
Chapter 4 Data Experiment 2.sav (SPSS File) Download Chapter 4 Data Experiment 2.sav (SPSS File)
t-test & one-way ANOVA Rubric
t-test & one-way ANOVA Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome SPSS Output: t-test
10 pts
Meets All Expectations
All SPSS output is included in a single output file Top of output document includes the title, student name, course number, and date
5 pts
Meets Some Expectations
Missing some output but all included output is in a single file Missing title or name/class/date OR in wrong location
0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
Missing most output and/or output not included in a single file No title or name/course/date included
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome SPSS Output: ANOVA
10 pts
Meets All Expectations
All SPSS output is included in a single output file Top of output document includes the title, student name, course number, and date Includes all desсrіptive stats Includes pairwise comparisons output
5 pts
Meets Some Expectations
Missing some output but all included output is in a single file Missing title or name/class/date OR in wrong location Includes all desсrіptive stats Includes pairwise comparisons output but wrong test included
0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
Missing most output and/or output not included in a single file No title or name/course/date included Does not include desсrіptive stats No pairwise comparisons are included
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Results
10 pts
Meets All Expectations
Includes M and SD for all conditions in both experiments Correctly reports t-test including degrees of freedom, test statistic, p-value, and Cohen’s d (calculated by hand or via online calculator) Correctly interprets the t-test Correctly reports F test including degrees of freedom, test statistic (value of F), p-value, and eta squared (calculated by hand based on pg. 96 of SPSS book) Correctly reports pairwise comparisons to interpret F All results reported using complete sentences Clearly states the analysis and variables for both experiments Refers to Figure 1 (ANOVA bar graph)
5 pts
Meets Some Expectations
Missing M and SD for 1 condition Missing 1-2 components of reporting a t-test Missing 1-2 components of reporting an F test Missing 1 pairwise comparison or minor issues in reporting pairwise comparisons Some results reported using incomplete sentences Minor issues in interpreting the t or F Minor issues in clearly stating the analysis and variables Refers to figure 1 (ANOVA bar graph)
0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
Missing desсrіptive statistics OR does not include both M and SD Missing several components of reporting a t-test Missing several components of reporting an F test Missing pairwise comparisons Does not state the analysis or variables included Major issues in interpreting the t or F Missing figure 1 reference (ANOVA bar graph)
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome APA Formatting
10 pts
Meets All Expectations
Includes correctly formatted APA style title page Headings are correctly formatted Follows all APA guidelines on reporting statistics, numbers, etc. Figure is in APA style
5 pts
Meets Some Expectations
1-2 APA style issues on title page Headings are correctly formatted 1-2 issues in APA style with reporting statistics, numbers, etc. 1-2 APA style issues in figure
0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
Title page not included or not in APA style Headings are not included or not formatted in APA style Numerous issues in APA style with reporting statistics, numbers, etc. Figure is not included or not in APA style
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Instructions & Writing Quality
10 pts
Meets All Expectations
Files are in the correct format (PDF for output and .docx for lab report) and named correctly Lab report is free of spelling and grammatical errors Uses professional language (free of slang, abbreviations, etc.)
5 pts
Meets Some Expectations
File is not named correctly but in the correct format or vice versa 1-2 spelling or grammatical errors Minor issues with unprofessional language
0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
File is not named correctly or in the correct format All information missing from top of document Numerous spelling or grammatical errors Major issues with unprofessional language
10 pts
Total Points: 50
Important Info
The order was placed through a short procedure (customer skipped some order details).
Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.
Type of paper and subject
Number of sources and formatting style
Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)


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