Coastal regions across the world are the most densely populated areas of the Ear


Coastal regions across the world are the most densely populated areas of the Earth. With this high concentration of human presence comes the potential for changes to the habitats and functionality of the ecosystems within this unique and valuable environment. Review the information on the following web site and associated links to learn more about wetlands and their value as well as the threats they are experiencing from human development. Coastal Wetlands: Too Valuable to Lose – Step 1: Post to at least one of the topics below. You will receive a grade for your discussion post, and each post must have a minimum of 200 words. Please proofread your discussion post before submitting it to the board.
1. After reviewing information presented on the included link, describe any positive experiences you have had in or around coastal wetlands. Share your stories and experiences with the class. Have you learned anything new about coastal wetlands from what you are reading?
2. With the high rate of coastal development that is and has been occurring over the past decades, describe any negative experiences you have had or witnessed in or around coastal wetlands.
Share your stories and experiences with the class. Have you learned anything new about coastal wetlands from what you are reading? 3. If you have never had the pleasure of experiencing a coastal wetland environment firsthand, share from your readings a few of the most startling facts you have learned about these environments. Use 2 peer reviewed articlesn and APA format.


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