Purpose: Reflect on how the knowledge you have acquired in this course has shape


Reflect on how the knowledge you have acquired in this course has shaped your thinking about gender, sex, and sexuality across a range of cultures throughout the world. The essay will constitute a synthesis of your reflections upon the readings, assignments, and other tools provided during the course. Address each point outlined under each section and provide specific evidence drawn from the course materials throughout your paper. You will submit your essay to the Assignments folder. Section 1: My Perspective (2 Pages)
Discuss what new perspective(s) you developed in this course, and how it has shaped the way you analyze issues impacting gender, sex, and sexuality. If your perspective did not change, discuss how the readings and topics in this course reinforced your beliefs or ideas about gender, sex, and sexuality.
Discuss TWO contemporary issues addressed in this course that affect gender, sex, and sexuality. Discuss their importance, how they are part of bigger local or global issues, and what actions can be taken for social change.
Section 2: My Analysis (2 Pages)
Discuss how this course has helped you make connections between your own identity and experiences and those of whose identities and experiences differ from yours based on gender, sex, sexuality, race, ethnicity, class, region, nation, age, or (dis)ability.
Discuss TWO examples, one drawn from your own background and one from another about which we have learned, to explain how differences affect your own beliefs, actions, and values. For each example, you must provide specific evidence drawn from the course materials.
Writing Guidelines:
This assignment will use at least 3 sources from the course. Please be sure to cite your sources in the text when you use them to inform your ideas. Include a references page at the end of your paper with the APA-formatted references for the sources on it.
Use APA Style to format the paper and all citations.
Citation Guides for APA styles at the UMGC Library
While I am happy to answer questions about the assignment, I encourage you to make use of UMGC’s Effective Writing Center if you’d like detailed writing help or another set of eyes to look at your paper before you turn it in. The EWC will require a few days to review a draft, so you will need to finish the paper early if you want to submit it to them.
Milburn, A. (2022). Women, war, and peace. In Butts, T., Duncan, P., Lockhart J., & Shaw, S. Women worldwide. Oregon State University. https://open.oregonstate.education/womenworldwide/chapter/women-war-peace/
15.6 Family Violence (2016). Sociology. University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing. https://open.lib.umn.edu/sociology/chapter/15-6-family-violence/
Morgan, K. & Rodriguez, M. (2020). Violence and Hate Crimes. The American LGBTQ rights movement: an introduction (pp. 96-97). https://open.umn.edu/opentextbooks/textbooks/921
Kang, M., Lessard, D., Heston, L., & Nordmarken, S. (2017). Intersecting institutions case study: the struggle to end gendered violence and violence against women. Introduction to women, gender, sexuality studies. University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries. http://openbooks.library.umass.edu/introwgss/chapter/intersecting-institutions-case-study-the-struggle-to-end-gendered-violence-and-violence-against-women/
11.5 The Benefits and Costs of Being Male (2016). Sociology. University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing. https://open.lib.umn.edu/sociology/chapter/11-5-the-benefits-and-costs-of-being-male/


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