Translate. Then fill in the correct Latin verb forms for each indicated blank. T


Translate. Then fill in the correct Latin verb forms for each indicated blank. This *IS* open-note work; you may use your verbs vocabulary list, notes, in-class work, etc. Anything is fair game so long as it is part of *your* work for the week.
Pay close attention to subject-verb agreement and be careful not to add or leave out letters of the spelling. You will want to use scratch paper to follow the steps of 1) identifying conjugation, 2) finding the stem, 3) determining which verb ending to use that will achieve subject-verb agreement, and 4) using the right vowel(s) to add it to the stem.
Beware of irregular verbs and don′t let them trip you up!
NB: Be sure to NOT capitalize any of the forms you enter! The automatic grading WILL deduct points if it is capitalized, as none of the forms I request begin a sentence, and the word must be an exact match for full credit!
In Italiā prope fluvium Tiberim habitare
(habito, habitare, habitavi, habitatus) pastor quīdam, nomine Faustulus. Hodie ex agrīs ad casam redīt et uxor, nomine Larentia, conspicoio
(conspicio, conspicere, conspexi, conspectus) eum. Magnā voce vocat, “Coniunx! habait
(habeo, habēre, habui, habitus) epistulam tui.” correct answer:tradent
(trado, tradere, tradidi, traditus) eī epistulam et Faustulus legit. Dicit Larentiae, “Ego est
(sum, esse, fui, futurus) perterritus; Haec epistula (fero, ferre, tuli, latus) nuntium malum! Necesse est mihi īre ad urbem et occurrere principem ibi. Exercitus appropinquat ad nostram patriam! Nolo te relinqu
(relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, relictus), tamen nostra patria fui
(sum, esse, fui, futurus) in periculō et tu et ego eam amat
(amo, amare, amavi, amatus).
Prope: near
Fluvium, -ī n.: river
Pastor: shepherd
Quīdam: a certain
Nomine: named, by name
Hodie: today
ex agrīs: from the fields
Casa, -ae f.: house
Uxor, uxoris f.: wife
Eum: him
Magnā voce: with a loud voice
Coniunx, coniugis m.: husband
Epistula, -ae f.: letter
Tui: for you
Eī: to him
Larentiae: to Larentia
Perterritus, -a, -um: terrified
Haec: this
Nuntium, -ī n.: news
Malus, -a, -um: bad
Necesse est: it is necessary
Mihi: for me
Urbs, urbis f.: city
Princeps, principis m.: emperor
Ibi: there
Exercitus, -ī m.: army
Noster, nostra, nostrum: our
Patria, -ae f.: country
Tamen: however
periculum, -ī n.: danger
Eam: it
Where is Larentia?
in the fields
at home
in the city
at school
What does Larentia have for Faustulus?
a meal
a present
a letter
a kiss!
How does Faustulus feel after Larentia gives him this thing?
Why does Faustulus feel this way?
The emperor is angry at him.
His friend hurt himself.
He hates the city.
War is coming.
What does Faustulus not want to do at the end?
He does not want to see the emperor.
He does not want to leave Larentia.
He does not want to eat dinner.
He does not want to make Larentia angry.


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