A music venue is looking for ways to improve ticket sales. After three different


A music venue is looking for ways to improve ticket sales. After three different concert types (rock, pop, country), the venue surveyed 16 random audience members (8 teens, 8 adults) on how much they enjoyed the show. You are tasked with identifying which age group showed a greater satisfaction [assume equal intervals and variance between groups].
Please go through and detail the steps in computing a t-test:
1. Write your null and research hypothesis.
2. Describe the level of significance.
3. Describe your rationale for the type of t-test used.
4. Compute the t value, copy and paste the SPSS chart into the document.
5. Consult your critical value table for t value. Note the critical values based on the accurate degrees of freedom.
6. Note two of three ways (critical value, p value significance, and confidence interval) to assess your decision on statistical significance.
7. State your decision about significance and which hypothesis you are accepting/rejecting.
Extra Credit: Now that you know which age group is enjoying the concerts more, they want you to identify which genre(s) they prefer. This will determine what types of bands they’ll book in the future. Conduct a simple ANOVA to see if they prefer any genre over another. Provide your output charts and an explanation of your F-ratio and post-hoc (use Tukey’s since the sample sizes are equal), then your final recommendation.


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