USE THIS—MY PERONAL PHILOSOPHY —– TREAT EVERYONE LIKE YOU WOULD WANT TO BE CARED FOR OR TREATED OR THE WAY YOU WOULD WANT YOUR FAMILY TO BE CARED FOR OR TREATED. BE EMPATHETIC. ATTEMPT TO COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY. RESPECT ALL PATIENTS. In this assignment you will articulate your personal philosophy of professional nursing, incorporating what you have learned about communication, nursing theory, issues in nursing, and professionalism. This assignment should be a minimum of 3 pages and include: What a personal philosophy is and why it is important Articulating your personal nursing philosophy What attitudes and beliefs have shaped your approach to nursing and caring for others How your career goals have influenced your nursing philosophy What the relationship is between your personal philosophy and your nursing practice How nursing theory has guided the development of your nursing philosophy How the four concepts in nursing metaparadigm are included in your personal philosophy At least three peer-reviewed references and in-text citations Adherence to APA Style, 7th Edition Once you have finished writing, you will submit it here for grading in Canvas. Rubric Performance Task Rubric: Essay (1) Performance Task Rubric: Essay (1) Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Style and APA 30 to >25.4 pts Exceeds Expectations A. Includes paragraph transitions. B. Appropriate tone. C. Range in sentence structure. D. Correct use of punctuation and capitalization. E. Appropriate use of grammar. F. Follows APA guidelines G. Meets reference requirements per instructions. 25.4 to >20.9 pts Meets Expectations A. Consistency in writing at a scholarly level. B. Follows some APA guidelines. C. Meets reference requirements per instructions. 20.9 to >0.0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations A. Not written at an acceptable level for a scholar. B. Little to no use of APA guidelines. C. Does not meet reference requirements per intstructions. 0 pts Not Present 30 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Thinking and Independent Thought 20 to >16.9 pts Exceeds Expectations A. Understands central concept(s). B. Identifies salient arguments. C. Thoughtfully evaluates major alternative points of view. D. Appropriate synthesis of literature. E. Addresses all prompts in a thorough manner. 16.9 to >15.0 pts Meets Expectations A. Compares and contrasts perspectives. B. Summarizes the concepts. C. Follows where evidence and reasons lead. D. Offers a synopsis of the literature using minimal direct quotes. E. Addresses all prompts. 15 to >0.0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations Misinterprets evidence. B. Fails to identify relevant counter-arguments. C. Ignores or superficially evaluates obvious alternative points of view. D. Reiterates what is shown in the literature using many direct quotes. E. No evidence of synthesis. F. Does not address all prompts. 0 pts Not Present 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence-Based Theory and Practice 20 to >16.9 pts Exceeds Expectations A. Application to professional practice is evident. B. Uses sufficient peer-reviewed/scholarly sources. C. Documents sources to support research assertions. 16.9 to >13.9 pts Meets Expectations A. Theories supported by evidence or citations. B. Integrates readings and literature. C. Includes sufficient peer-reviewed sources. 13.9 to >0.0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations A. Little attempt to place details in context. B. Little to no use of broader ideas or theories. C. Uses non-scholarly references. 0 pts Not Present 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRelevance to Profession 15 to >12.74 pts Exceeds Expectations A. Analyzes implications for the institution, the larger context, and personal professional growth. B. Demonstrates best practices in profession. C. Communicates the importance of vision and mission. D. Demonstrates value for organizational success. 12.74 to >10.4 pts Meets Expectations A. Connection to personal experience is evident. B. Includes implications for the profession, the larger context, and professional growth. C. Analyzes implications for the institution or organization. D. Relates best practices. E. Connections between vision/mission and application are present. 10.4 to >0.0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations A. Does not explain implications of learning with the profession, the larger context, or professional growth. B. Does not analyze implications for the profession. C. Does not acknowledge best practices. D. Fails to consider vision/mission or role of leadership. 0 pts Not Present 15 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSynthesis and Application 15 to >12.74 pts Exceeds Expectations A. Creates new ideas based upon previous knowledge and experiences. B. Relates knowledge to draw insightful conclusions. C. Transitions ideas into real-life application. 12.74 pts Does Not Meet Expectations A. Significant omission of required components. B. Does not relate knowledge to draw conclusions. C. Does not transition ideas into real-life application. 12.74 to >0.0 pts Meets Expectations A. Application of knowledge and experience is evident. B. Uses knowledge to draw conclusions. C. Connects ideas to real-life application. 0 pts Not Present 15 pts Total Points: 100


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