Assignment Content Instructions for creating Required Draft 1 – Psychology Core


Assignment Content Instructions for creating Required Draft 1 – Psychology Core Assignment 1. Include title for your Required Psychology Core Assignment. 2. Include complete heading for your Draft 1 Core Assignment – may be placed in a header section of document. 3. Include Career Dream Field description in your Draft 1 Core Assignment . 4. Include CALCULATED estimate of current course grade in your DRAFT 1 CORE ASSIGNMENT expressed as a letter grade; decimal value and as a percentage value. 5. Include a supporting table for calculating your overall grade point average. This table should include 5 columns with the following column labels: Courses enrolled in; Semester credit hours per course; Letter grade for each course; Grade point calculation for each course; Total grade points for each course. This table should have sufficient rows to list all courses enrolled in plus a Totals row. Each row should have a label with the courses enrolled in designated by Course name (4-letter course name code) and the Course number (4-digit course number code). Example course row label: PSYC 2314. 6. Example supporting table for calculating overall grade point average: SUPPORTING CALCULATION TABLE FOR OVERALL GRADE POINT AVERAGE COURSES ENROLLED IN SEMESTER CREDIT HOURS PER COURSE LETTER GRADE FOR EACH COURSE GRADE POINT CALCULATION LIST TOTAL GRADE POINTS PER COURSE PSYC 2314 3 A 3X4 12 SPCH 1315 3 B 3X3 9 BIOL 2101 1 B 1X3 3 BIOL 2301 3 A 3X4 9 TOTALS 10 NA NA 33 5. MUST list CALCULATION OF overall total grade point average in your DRAFT 1 CORE ASSIGNMENT expressed as a number between 0-4.00 inclusive. EXAMPLE = GPA = 33/10 = 3.30 6. Include summary plan for final semester at Lamar State College Port Arthur. MUST have minimum of 3 positive actions listed to be completed during final or graduation semester at LSCPA. These positive actions must be individually numbered. Example list of final semester positive actions: 1. Apply for graduation. 2. Pay graduation fees. 3. Maintain overall 3.75 grade point average. 4. Pay all other necessary and customary fees for semester. 7. Draft 1 – Required Psychology Common Assignment Poster example document attached to this page. 3 EXAMPLES: FOR PROJECT DRAFT 1 EXAMPLE REQUIRED PSYCHOLOGY COMMON ASSIGNMENT POSTER DUE FRIDAY OF SEMESTER WEEK 3 DRAFT 1-EXAMPLE REQUIRED PSYCHOLOGY COMMON ASSIGNMENT POSTER • • HEADING: • Keiko Takahashi • Psyc 2301-01 (make sure course and section numbers are correct) • 9-11-18 • TITLE: Realizing My Career Dream and Passion • CAREER DREAM SUMMARY OR GOAL: Psychology Teacher, Post Secondary, based on results from Texas Career Check Interest Profiler ( • SUMMARY OF CURRENT COURSE (PSYC 2301-01) GRADE CALCULATION: 35 CURRENT POINTS/45 CURRENT REQUIRED POINTS = 77.77% = C • SUMMARY OF OVERALL GRADE POINT AVERAGE: 37 total grade points/11 total semester credit hours enrolled = 3.36 • SUMMARY PLAN FOR FINAL SEMESTER AT LSCPA: Complete requirements for graduation KEIKO TAKAHASHI PSYC 2301-71 AUGUST 18, 2020 DRAFT 1 EXAMPLE KT 2301 REQUIRED PSYCHOLOGY CORE ASSIGNMENT HEADING: Keiko Takahashi Psyc 2301-71 (make sure course and section numbers are correct) 9-11-19 TITLE: Realizing My Career Dream and Passion DESCRIBING CAREER DREAM SUMMARY OR GOAL: Psychology Teacher, Post Secondary, based on results from Texas Career Check Interest Profiler ( SUMMARY OF CURRENT COURSE (PSYC 2301-01) GRADE CALCULATION: 45 CURRENT POINTS/50 CURRENT REQUIRED POINTS = .9000 = 90.00 = A SUPPORTING CALCULATION TABLE FOR OVERALL GRADE POINT AVERAGE COURSES ENROLLE D IN SEMESTE R CREDIT HOURS PER COURSE LETTER GRADE FOR EACH COURSE GRADE POINT CALCULATIO N LIST TOTAL GRADE POINTS PER COURSE PSYC 2314 3 A 3X4 12 SPCH 1315 3 B 3X3 9 BIOL 2101 1 B 1X3 3 BIOL 2301 3 A 3X4 9 TOTALS 10 NA NA 33 KEIKO TAKAHASHI PSYC 2301-71 AUGUST 18, 2020 SUMMARY LIST OF POSITIVE ACTIONS FOR FINAL OR GRADUATION SEMESTER AT LSCPA: Example list of final semester positive actions: 1. Apply for graduation. 2. Pay graduation fees. 3. Maintain overall 3.75 grade point average. 4. Pay all other necessary and customary fees for semester. GUIDE TO CREATING DRAFT 1 OF THE REQUIRED PSYCHOLOGY COMMON ASSIGNMENT POSTER 1. In Draft 1 of your poster, you will list the components required for this draft. An example of a Draft 1 listing is included below. A. Title for your Required Psychology Common Assignment Poster: My Ultimate Career Dream Field B. A complete heading – may be placed in a header section of document.: Keiko Takahashi; Psyc 2301-71; Oct 5, 2018 C. Your Career Dream Summary: Psychology Teacher, Post Secondary Level D. A summary of your current course grade: A E. A summary of your overall total grade point average: 3.75 1 F. A summary plan for your final semester at Lamar State College Port Arthur: Complete requirements for graduation, including applying for graduation and paying customary and necessary fees. G. Appropriate graphic image(s) illustrating your plans and passion.


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