Remember the following: Annotated bibliography using Rhetorical Precis 1. 4 Sour


Remember the following: Annotated bibliography using Rhetorical Precis 1. 4 Sources, 4 Sentences per source= 16 sentences total. 2. You will be using these sources for Project 2. 3. Use APA. (You can skip the cover page.) 4. All sources will be placed in alphabetical order. 5. The entries themselves will be doubled spaced. Indent second/ third lines 5 spaces. You may single space the annotations if you like. Sources: Peer reviewed Overworked social workers mean more kids at risk, says internal report. (1996/11/19/, 1996 Nov 19). Canadian Press NewsWire Retrieved from Need 3 more sources Respectable, credible popular sources (New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, The Oxford American, and other similar sources), industry or professional publications, and/or peer-reviewed, academic journal articles to support your argument for this particular solution. At least one MUST be a scholarly, peer-reviewed source.


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