General Discussion Board Assignment Instructions: Answer each question and quest


General Discussion Board Assignment Instructions:
Answer each question and question component thoroughly and using complete sentences and proper grammar. Please refer to the grading rubric for a breakdown of how your grade will be determined. This is an individual assignment, and submissions are subject to being checked by Turnitin and/or another plagiarism-checking software. Do not plagiarize.
Use the template provided below to format your post. Hint: Copy/Paste from the instructions to ensure you are properly using the template. Using the template is required for credit on this assignment.
Reference: You must provide a reference (APA formatting preferred) that contains enough information for me to be able to find your article. At a minimum, that would likely be a web link, but that web link must be complete and must work. If I cannot find your article because you did not provide sufficient information, your assignment will receive a zero.
Others’ posts will not be viewable until you have posted your original post. Posting a blank discussion before your original post will result in zero credit on the discussion assignment. Posting a partial discussion will result in partial credit. Accordingly, be sure you do not post your original response until you have finalized and proofread it.
Note/Caution about Generative AI (example ChatGPT): If you use Generative AI in any way to help shape your responses, you must (a) disclose this and to what extent and (b) provide any and all prompts used and output generated by Generative AI as an Appendix attached to your submission. Your final result must be dramatically different than any AI-generated output to qualify for credit. This does not mean simply changing words and sentence structure from what AI generated before submission. You must be able to demonstrate that you understand and can apply the concepts yourself, beyond what AI gives you. If it is suspected that Generative AI was used without disclosure, your grade is subject to a zero on the assignment and could be reported to the Student Services Conduct Board for review of suspected academic misconduct.
Discussion Instructions:
Search the internet for a current [within the last 3 years] article relating to a topic of your choice from last week’s (Chapter 9: Foundations of Group Behavior or Chapter 10: Understanding Work Teams) or Chapter 6: Perception and Individual Decision-Making) or this week’s (Chapter 11: Communication or Chapter 12: Leadership) assigned Chapter readings. Your Discussion post will be broken down as follows:
Summary of the Chosen Article (minimum 4-6 substantive sentences): Provide a summary of your chosen article that captures the key points and essence of your article. Include the title of the article you chose and indicate what key topic(s) related to the course readings from Chapters 9, 10, 11, or 12 is featured in the article. Ensure you are condensing the main ideas in a way that would give someone unfamiliar with the article a clear understanding of it. However, do not go back and rehash course concepts from the book (do not explain at a definitional level); assume the reader is familiar with the textbook material). Feel free to be creative in your article choice.
Hint: If you are having trouble finding a current event article, you can try Googling a topic of interest and filtering by “news”.
Personal Reflection (minimum 5-7 substantive sentences): After your summary, reflect on why this particular reading and course concept/topic has significantly interested you and how it is an illustration of a course concept(s) from the chapters provided above. For example, you could discuss things like: Was there a particular insight that changed the way you think? Can you relate it to a personal experience or current event? Perhaps it clarified or challenged your understanding of a topic in the field? Share your thoughts on its relevance and value to you as a budding or established professional.
Reference (required for credit): Include a reference for your chosen article. APA formatting is preferred. As noted above, if I cannot find your article because you did not provide sufficient information, your assignment will receive a zero.
*I chose Ch. 11, attached is a ppt from Ch. 11 Communication*


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