For the final assignment in the course, student will write a philosophy of super


For the final assignment in the course, student will write a philosophy of supervision paper. The purpose of the personal philosophy of supervision paper is to assess and evaluate the students thinking and articulation of the content and process of supervision. The following areas should be addressed in the paper and some can be used as the subject headings for each section of your paper: Evidence of systemic thinking Clarity of purpose and goals for supervision Clarity of supervisory roles and relationships Evidence of awareness of personal and professional experiences that impact supervision (e.g., person of the supervisor) Preferred supervision model or practices and their connection with the candidate’s own therapy model Evidence of sensitivity and attention to contextual factors such as developmental phase of the trainee training setting, culture, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, age, sex, gender, economics, and so forth Clarity of preferred process of supervision (individual/group, case consultation/live/audio-video, and technology-assisted), frequency, contracting, evaluating Evidence of sensitivity to and competency in ethics and legal factors of supervision Integrated MFT supervision literature (as demonstrated throughout the paper and as a reference page). The paper should cover the material and should be about 4 pages in length if single-spaced, or 8 pages in length if double-spaced.


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