As a technology coach, it is important that you be able to explain and share you


As a technology coach, it is important that you be able to explain and share your skills and expertise with others in an effective manner. This can be done through professional learning networks and engaging in professional development activities focused on deepening content and pedagogical knowledge, learning about emerging technologies, classroom practices and innovations, and improving coaching skills.
This assignment will help you organize and advertise the support you are able provide to your colleagues and provide you with a way to share resources and best practices with others.
Review “Technology Coaching Website Overview” and “Standards and Rationale” to become familiar with how the Technology Coaching Website and the worksheet will be used throughout the courses associated with this program of study.
Research and select a free tool such as Wix or Weebly to build your website. Remember that you will continue to add content to the website during each course in the program of study.
Create your Technology Coaching Website and include the following pages that are aligned to the seven domains listed in the “ISTE Standards for Coaches.”
Change Agent
Connected Learner
Learning Designer
Professional Learning Facilitator
Data-Drive Decision-maker
Digital Citizen Advocate
Develop the following content to be placed on the page of your choice within the website. Consider the specific ISTE Standards for Coaching domains and standards to which each content element aligns as you determine the page where the information will be placed.
Document this alignment and provide a rationale for the placement of the content on the page by completing the TEC-516 portion of the “Standards and Rationale” worksheet. You will use this worksheet throughout each course in the program.
Philosophy: In 250-500 words describe your personal philosophy regarding the role of technology integration in the classroom. Explain how you engage in professional learning networks to enhance coaching skills and expertise and remain current with emerging technologies, practices, and innovations and how you can share this knowledge with others in the role of technology coach.
Standards: Include links to the various ISTE standards (coaching, educator, and student) along with relevant state and district standards. Include an explanation of why every teacher needs to consider the standards prior to adopting technology and integrating it in the classroom.
PLNs: Create a page that summarizes in 250 words the importance of engaging in continual learning and professional learning networks to deepen content and pedagogical knowledge in technology integration and emerging technology. Provide a rationale why content specific teachers (math, science, English, etc.) should engage in technology PLNs and the benefits this engagement can produce.
Include a list of at least 10 professional resources and links that can be shared with others as part of a professional learning network. Resources should be focused on social media, groups, organizations, blogs, podcasts, etc. Along with the title and link to the resource, provide a 1-2 sentence summary description of each resource.
Current and Emerging Technologies: Create an annotated portfolio that includes at least five technologies you have successfully implemented during this course or in your teaching practice. Include the title and link to each along with a 1-2 sentence description of how the technology was utilized.
Submit the “Standards and Rationale” worksheet with the TEC-516 table completed, including the link to the “Technology Coaching Website.” Make sure your link is accessible and not set to “hidden” or “private” before uploading.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success enter.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.
This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies and professional standards:
MS Instructional Technology
6.1: Engage in continual learning to deepen content and pedagogical knowledge in technology integration and current and emerging technologies necessary to effectively implement the ISTE Standards. [ISTE-C 2a; InTASC 9(a), 9(b); Mission Critical 1]
6.2: Explore professional learning networks to enhance coaching skills and expertise to remain current with emerging technologies, practices, and innovations. [ISTE-C 2b; InTASC 10(i); Mission Critical 1, 3, 4]


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